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Four Corners Coaching

my four corners Coaching is all about balancing and working with the four elements. This is very beneficial because it starts the process of change and sets up the foundation you need to perform magick successfully! We will work together, one-on-one and uncover what may be standing in your way from getting to where you want to go. We Will discuss how to perform magick successfully and work out a plan that is going to help you succeed in finding your personal power. Take the leap and Book your first session with me today to get started!

*** IMPORTANT! - You will receive the zoom link immediately after booking. This tends to go to the spam folder. Please check for this zoom link right away. I can not guarantee a refund for a missed appointment with out prior notice.

What a Session Offers

  • The Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram is a Golden Dawn ritual that is designed to separate and banish the 4 elements. These are the 4 aspects of terrestrial consciousness. We can go over this ritual and how to do this correctly.

  • This ritual is designed to connect with the energies on the Middle Pillar of the Qabalistic Tree of Life. This helps strengthen the link to source. We can go over how to do this ritual correctly.

  • After you have been performing the LBRP for a while, it is time to start Invoking. The Lesser Invoking Ritual of the Pentagram is designed to strengthen the 4 elements. We will go over how to do this correctly, and how to invoke something specific.

  • Learn very specific energy shielding techniques. These are very powerful, and have radically changed my own life.

  • We can work one-on-one to create sigils, and talk about ways to charge them for effective Magick.

  • Depending on your needs, we can also talk about other energy techniques. From grounding, connecting with others, connecting with source, to candle magick and charging sigils, crystals, or anything else.

One session will include one or more of these topics. THis will vary depending on your level of development, understanding, and what you are looking for out of a coaching session. Please see the list below for what a session could potentially offer. Please see calendar to book a session.