Qabalah Course

Learn the tree of life with a 3-class course.

Gain your personal Power while learning ancient secrets.

in this course, We will discuss the tree of life in detail. There will be an emphasis on using the tree of life within ceremonial magick and using the tree of life with tarot. This course will be focused on the 4 worlds of qabalah, the spheres on the tree, and the process of creation. This knowledge is foundational, when it comes to learning more about ceremonial magick, or tarot.

information on this course

This course will be held via Zoom. We will have 3 classes. THey will be held on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Each class will be about 2 hours long. Don’t worry if you miss a class! these will be recorded so that you can go back and watch them. Feel free to have paper and pen to take notes!

Make sure to enroll before the course starts. This course will begin on August 26th. Enrollment for the next course will begin after August 26th.