The Esoteric Cross

Unlock Your inner power

Esoteric Knowledge is an ancient wisdom that is extremely empowering. My mission is to bring years of dedicated research and experiences to the public in order to help lift people and encourage them to find the true personal power they have been looking for. I offer tarot readings and one-on-one coaching for ceremonial magick. Get started on your journey and book a Four Corner Coaching session today

The Universe is inside you



Tarot Course

Enrollments are being accepted now for the tarot course. This is going to be a deep dive into the relationship of tarot with Magick, and Qabalah. Classes will be held via Zoom twice a week for 5 weeks. Enroll today and learn the great wisdom of tarot! This course will empower you to give very accurate and detailed tarot readings, as well as more understanding of self and the universe.

Full tarot reading with cards from 5 different oracle decks!

Tarot Reading

Four Corners Coaching

60-min session centered on magick and obliterating roadblocks standing in your way of success. this Session can be focused on anything that you are seeking.

Gain your personal power while learning ancient secrets

Gain your personal power while learning ancient secrets

meet the Creator

My name is Will and I am a Magick coach that dives deep into understanding how Magick works in relation to creating the experiences that you seek to manifest in your life. I love to specifically focus on Magick and helping individuals understand their subconscious state in order to create a fulfilling and harmonious life. I work with people all over the world and love seeing the results of clients and individuals completely grasp and master how their mind and Magick works. My goal is to enrich the lives of those around me, and to create a new reality where we can understand each other at a much deeper level through compassion and love.

Gain your personal power while learning ancient secrets

Gain your personal power while learning ancient secrets

Improve your stability, abundance  and    life