Ceremonial Magick Course

Lay the foundations of True High Magick

Gain your personal Power while learning ancient secrets.

in this course, We will dive deep into the introduction to the path of magick. Start making manifesting much more effective! We will discuss energy techniques and powerful rituals that are designed to transform consciousness. The intention of This interactive live course is to empower you to make meaningful change and gain stability in life. Ceremonial magick involves working with symbolism, visualization of energy, vibrating hebrew names of god, and the study of hermeticism. We will be discussing ideas and drawing inspiration from many traditions and religions. Make sure that you are comfortable with this before enrolling in the course.

information on this course

This course will be held weekly via Zoom. We will have 8 classes. Most classes will be held on saturdays, but on some weeks we may switch for a different day. Each class will be about 2 hours long. Don’t worry if you miss a class! these will be recorded so that you can go back and watch them. Feel free to have paper and pen to take notes!

Make sure to enroll before the course starts. This course will begin on October 5th. Enrollment for the next course will begin after October 5th.